Packaging Supplies Fit the Job

Packaging supplies come in many shapes and sizes. We can run at a breakneck pace all day long. But if that is not very good for the operator, that doesn’t serve anybody – especially the business owner. As a result, our expertise focuses on providing safe, ergonomic solutions. Twist-tie machines apply effective solutions for a broad swath of different industries. With these applications, you see speed increases and efficiency picking up.

The 3 Traits of Good Packaging Supplies

Choosing the right solution for a job focuses on three ultimate goals:

  1. Speed,
  2. Efficiency, and
  3. Safety for the operator (this is paramount)

The operator must be secure from potential harm to their body. Repetitive motion injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome and elbow/neck strain are common with packaging supplies. These cause heartache to any company interested in serving their employees. Not to mention also maintaining efficient processes that get the product out the door. Time to market is everyone’s key goal, but safety is the primary focus. Plas-Ties does a great job of supplying machines to serve these goals.

Partnerships with Clients

Some big mistakes end up happening when selecting the right process for the job. Furthermore, people look to save money up front – this is a poor choice when trying to get a long-term solution. What they want is a partnership with the supplier of the machines. This is where Plas-Ties excels when it comes to packaging supplies. We take pride in our customer service, and there are quite a few examples where we step in if somebody is down. It’s a critical component to the operation at hand. We’ll pick up the slack with customer support, technical support, repairing the product. A loaner machine can keep the operation up and running while we source the long-term repair. Also, this speaks volumes to Plas-Ties’ commitment to customer service. That is one of our competitive advantages in the packaging supplies world.

A Changing Industry

We have seen a broad, dynamic change in the way our clients package their products over the last 50+ years. The Plas-Ties team gets creative when we receive unconventional packaging supplies requests. Our size and our desire to meet new and exciting challenges brought us to interesting places. We now operate in instances where our machines are in full automation. This is an advent that 50 years ago would have been pure dreaming. I’ve always imagined that the company would come to this place, and we have, and it doesn’t end there. We see customers come to us all the time with things that are not conventional. Also, we love to take on those challenges. We have a great team here that definitely likes to explore and provide the right fit for the product.

Often the one-size-fits-all approach is insufficient for our clients. They might have specific and intriguing packaging supplies applications that were unknown to us. We are grateful that people want to give us the opportunity to provide that solution for them.