Twist Ties Revisited – Superior Closure Advice for Improved Results

Tuesday January, 15 2019 @ 10:03 AM

Twist Ties Misconceptions

Twist ties misconceptions that are most common is that they are only a metal core. Also, that they are plastic-coated. Additionally, the wire sticks out as you might see in some applications where it’s a co-extruded plastic PET over a wire. And that tends to be the cheaper things that you see on the market. Plas-Ties twist ties are very high quality. Not only is there a large variance in what we are able to provide to our customers, but they’re also very high quality. Laminated and glued. They don’t separate from the core of the metal.

There are many wire gauges that have very specific solutions for different applications. It’s not a one-stop shop twist tie that is all that’s available on the market. For example, say a very rigid cellophane bag might not do very well with say a 27-gauge core. Also, it does very well with the 24-gauge core. So that’s where Plas-Ties comes to deliver the right solution for the right closure.

Cable Ties for the Right Job

Some other big misconceptions about twist ties are the cable ties or your common zip tie. Some customers come to us thinking that a twist tie is a zip tie, and vice versa, where that’s not the case. Plas-Ties is a master distributor of cable ties, and we’re happy to provide those to our customers. But the twist tie is a very specific closure. Also, it can be an effective closure for certain things like bundling hoses or fiber optics. Our machines have great variability in how we deliver that tie to the product. That’s where the relationship comes into play.

When somebody comes to us seeking a solution for their closure, we provide the right machine. With the right twist tie. One that has all the specs that they need. We do an excellent job of supporting that unit and providing those materials on time.

Growing Capacity of Twist Tie Machines

We’ve seen the twist tie used for packaging in interesting ways. These give a historical look at where Plas-Ties came from. That’s what we’ve been doing for over 50 years. In the past, it focused around the bakery industry, tortillas, confections. Polybag closures at a smaller scale. Besides that, the company evolved and our machines have gotten larger. Also, our largest closing ability is at 8 inches. This opened up interesting twist tie markets for us that we never imagined.

As a result, customers come to us requesting, ”can you tie a 7-inch coil of garden hose?” Yes, we can. ”Can you do part skidding? Can we use this machine to tie a snow shovel to an ice scraper and hit the shelf with that?” Yes, we can. This is where it gets very interesting with what comes our way. Also, the team is here, it’s very creative, and we like to give every solution a chance. Besides that, we love to play here at Plas-Ties and get creative with what we’re able to provide for our customers. Build that relationship.

Quality Matters First

First of all, what sets Plas-Ties twist ties apart from the rest focuses on quality. We provide a very high-quality material made in the USA, as well as our machines, also made 100% in the USA. We have high-quality materials that come into play, and there’s a whole host of materials that we offer. Various combinations from different gauge cores, the plastics, the papers. Or any combination thereof. Also, the number of colors that are available. Including a 100% all-plastic tie for metal detection applications. When the customer is looking for a reliable twist tie that’s not cheap overseas material, they come to us. And they use our materials because they want to give their customers the best.