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Strapping Machine Defined

Strapping machine is a unit that will apply a plastic strap around a product. It secures a wide range of things. Usually, the machines in the market will retract around a broad loop, retract around a product.

So let’s say the product is a coiled hose. It will retract around the product. It will heat seal this strap to itself and then cut and set up to tie the next product. The benefits of a strapping machine are you can do a wide range of products. You can strap two boxes together. You could strap various items to themselves like for parts kitting for example. There is a wide range of uses for a strapping machine. One of the benefits of a strap is that it’s got a very good high tensile strength. So again, back to the boxes for example. Also, you get two boxes to themselves and get them through whatever logistics. And it will get from point A to point B and keep the package in good stead.

Potential Uses

There are a lot of ranges of potential use for a strapping machine. With that said, you can use the twist-tie in some of those applications as well. And we do see customers coming to us and back again to the parts kit. We’ve had a customer who came to us and said they were strapping ice scrapers to an ice shovel. And they were doing it with a plastic strap machine prior. We were able to come in and offer a solution using our twist-tying machinery.

Strapping Machine

Also, some customers want the ease of removal of the tie. This is instead of having to pull out a set of cutting scissors or whatnot to remove that strap. The common alternatives to strapping machines are stretch wraps, tape, and even the twist-tie. There are instances where we’ve gone in and used twist-ties as a replacement for strapping. Plas-Ties has machines that go up to eight inches currently.

Diameter Concerns

Also, there are machines in development that in theory can be any diameter imaginable. So we’re getting a bit more in tune with what a customer might need from a diameter standpoint. But strapping machines do a great job currently at a larger diameter bundling needs.

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Carlos Contreras

Carlos is the President at Plas-Ties, Co. He has been with the company for over 15 years. He has a demonstrated history of working in the twist-tie packaging industry. He is skilled in manufacturing, management, mechanical product design, strategic planning, and leadership.

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